Cast and Crew

Different roads, same destination



MD and Founder, Victoria oversees our work with every production and is the creative industry’s oracle for all things immigration. Victoria’s black book of contacts, both in the UK film industry and central government, positions her as the go-to for productions needing a bespoke immigration service. A leader in the field, Victoria regularly appears on panels to discuss policy and practice.


Head of Planning, Aneka is the first point of contact for client productions. She talks to productions about their plans, explains the immigration rules, and advises on the best and most economical solutions. Always on-hand to field questions, Aneka’s focus on communication ensures productions are privy to the most up-to-date requirements and guidance.



Head of UK Pre-Entry, Sonali, manages the application needs of productions and ensures no deadline is missed. Although Sonali focuses on our biggest productions, she has a constant check on the Pre-Entry systems and schedules for our many clients. A fountain of visa knowledge, Sonali advises on all options and associated costs, and makes the visa process pain-free.

Elena SolovyeVa

UK Pre-Entry  Specialist,  Elena, has  worked in  immigration for  years  and  is  our  primary CoS  specialist. She schedules  CoS  requests  and  ensures applications  are  processed on time  and to  the highest standard.  Elena enjoys working  closely  with our  client  productions;  she takes  the time  to  understand their  work in  the UK  and meet  their  needs  accordingly.

Mark Mac Gearailt

UK Pre-Entry Specialist, Mark, has a master's in acting and a first-class degree in electrical and computer engineering. In his spare time, when not performing, he referees rugby matches. He has a methodical problem-solving approach and a unique perspective on immigration due to his creative industry insight.



Head of UK Post-Entry, Sarah, oversees our impeccable record management and ensures our client
productions fulfil their compliance duties to the UK Home Office. Sarah is the main point of contact
for productions with cast and crew in the UK; she knows who is here, for how long, and what they’re
doing – and she actively supports the smooth running of their UK work.

Beci Scott

UK Post-Entry Administrator, Beci, is a data professional with an exceptional eye for detail. She maintains the impeccable compliance records for each production and frequently reaches out regarding their international cast and crew in the UK, including issuing our weekly compliance reports.